Scott Ledbetter
Animated GIF of the color app A demo of the color application

Color me

I wanted to make a web application that would display any human-readable color you entered. I initially had this idea by learning about HTML's 140 color codes (read up here). As such, the first version wasn’t very robust until a designer reached out to me on Twitter, urging me to use his collection of over 14,000 colors and names. Thanks, David!

Role Design lead, front-end When October, 2017 Company Side Project Inc. 😉 Check out the app

If you input a match, the text is bolded and the background changes to that color. Additionally, you are given the HEX value for that color (hard mode: you can search by HEX value, too). The type will turn white or black depending on the background color to maintain readability.

I also used this project to brush up on my JavaScript and refine my front-end workflow and automation. If you’re inclined to check out my code, check out the repo here.

A grid of the color app showing various colors A selection of common and not-so-common colors generated by the app

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